6 Longitudinal Dynamics

Discussion Topics…

  • Cavities
  • Beam Bunching
  • The Slip Factor
  • Difference Equations

  • Synchrotron Motion
  • Non-linear RF Bucket and The Standard Map
  • Bunch Manipulations

Homework Problem 1:

QonA = c(1/6,1/3,1/2,1)
mc2 = 931
eVup = 10   # MeV
eVdn = 0.05 # MeV
  • Generate a set of curves of \(\beta~(= v/c)\) vs. \(eV\) for values of \(Q/A =\) 0.167, 0.333, 0.5, 1, where 0.05 MeV \(< eV <\) 10 MeV. Here, \(eV\) is the kinetic energy per nucleon of a particle of charge \(Qe\) and rest energy \(A\mu\), where \(\mu\) = 931 MeV (the rest energy of a nucleon).
beta = function(x){ sqrt(1-(mc2/(mc2+x*z))^2) }
    xlab="eV [MeV]",ylab="v/c", main="Speed vs. Voltage, for various Q/A")
  i = i+1

  • Consider a set of 2-gap, \(\pi\)-mode accelerating cavities, each designed for an optimal velocity, \(\beta_{opt}\). (Assume constant \(E_z\), etc.) For each, assume the length of each gap is \(g = \beta_{opt}\lambda/8\), and the distance between gap centers is \(d = \beta_{opt}\lambda/2\). The transit time factor for a cavity is thus

\[ T(\beta) = \frac{\sin(\pi g/\beta\lambda)}{\pi g/\beta\lambda} \cdot \sin(\pi d/\beta\lambda). \]

betOpt = c(0.041,0.085,0.29,0.53)
frf = c(80.5,80.5,322,322)*1e6
lambda = c/frf
gap = betOpt[1]*lambda[1]/8
d = gap*4
TTF = function(x){

Plot the transit time factors \(T(\beta)\) vs. \(\beta\) for the following 4 cases:

  1. for \(\lambda\) corresponding to 80.5 MHz,
    1. \(\beta_{opt}\) = 0.041, and
    2. \(\beta_{opt}\) = 0.085; and,
  2. for \(\lambda\) corresponding to 322 MHz,
    1. \(\beta_{opt}\) = 0.29, and
    2. \(\beta_{opt}\) = 0.53.

For each case, estimate the range of velocities for which the transit time factor is greater than 50%.

curve(0*x, 0.001, 0.75, ylim=c(-1.0,1.3),
  xlab="v/c", ylab="Transit Time Factor")
color = c("black","red","blue","brown")
i = 1
  lambda = c/frf[i]
  gap = betOpt[i]*lambda/8
  d = gap*4
  TTF = function(x){
  i = i+1

Homework Problem 2:

The area \({\cal A_0}\) of a “stationary bucket” (\(\phi_s\) = 0, \(\pi\) ) in \(\phi\)-\(\Delta E\) phase space is:

\[ {\cal A_0} = \frac{16\;v/c}{2\pi f_{RF}} \sqrt{\frac{eV\;E_s}{2\pi h |\eta|}} \]

  • For values of synchronous phase between 0 and 90\(^\circ\), create a curve of the area \({\cal A}\) of a “bucket” in units of \({\cal A_0}\).

  • For \(\phi_s\) between 0 and 90\(^\circ\) in steps of 2\(^\circ\), create a table of values for \(\phi_1\), \(\phi_2\), and \({\cal A}/{\cal A_0}\), where \(\phi_1\) and \(\phi_2\) are the phase limits for stable motion.

Xout <- array(0,dim=c(46,4))
phisDeg <- 0

i = 1
while (i<47){
  phisDeg = 2*(i-1)
  phis = phisDeg*pi/180

  f = function(x){ 
      cos(x) + x*sin(phis) + cos(phis) - (pi-phis)*sin(phis) }
  phi1 = uniroot( f, c(-pi,pi))$root
  phi2 = pi - phis

  dE <- function(x){
      sqrt( cos(x) + x*sin(phis) - cos(phi2) - phi2*sin(phis)) }

  A <- 1/4/sqrt(2)*integrate(dE, phi1, phi2)$value

  Xout[i,] = c(phis*180/pi, phi1*180/pi, phi2*180/pi, A)
  i = i+1

plot(Xout[,1],Xout[,4],typ="l", xlab="Synchronous Phase (deg)", ylab="A/A_0", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",ylim=c(0,1.1))

tableLabels = c("phis","phi1","phi2","area")
table1 = rbind(round(Xout,3))
colnames(table1) = tableLabels
##       phis     phi1 phi2  area
##  [1,]    0 -180.000  180 1.000
##  [2,]    2 -143.474  178 0.918
##  [3,]    4 -128.791  176 0.854
##  [4,]    6 -117.556  174 0.797
##  [5,]    8 -108.060  172 0.745
##  [6,]   10  -99.647  170 0.696
##  [7,]   12  -91.990  168 0.651
##  [8,]   14  -84.891  166 0.608
##  [9,]   16  -78.227  164 0.567
## [10,]   18  -71.911  162 0.529
## [11,]   20  -65.879  160 0.492
## [12,]   22  -60.087  158 0.457
## [13,]   24  -54.496  156 0.424
## [14,]   26  -49.081  154 0.392
## [15,]   28  -43.817  152 0.362
## [16,]   30  -38.686  150 0.333
## [17,]   32  -33.673  148 0.306
## [18,]   34  -28.763  146 0.281
## [19,]   36  -23.947  144 0.256
## [20,]   38  -19.215  142 0.233
## [21,]   40  -14.558  140 0.212
## [22,]   42   -9.968  138 0.191
## [23,]   44   -5.441  136 0.172
## [24,]   46   -0.969  134 0.154
## [25,]   48    3.452  132 0.137
## [26,]   50    7.825  130 0.121
## [27,]   52   12.158  128 0.107
## [28,]   54   16.451  126 0.093
## [29,]   56   20.707  124 0.081
## [30,]   58   24.932  122 0.070
## [31,]   60   29.126  120 0.059
## [32,]   62   33.296  118 0.050
## [33,]   64   37.442  116 0.041
## [34,]   66   41.562  114 0.034
## [35,]   68   45.667  112 0.027
## [36,]   70   49.748  110 0.022
## [37,]   72   53.819  108 0.017
## [38,]   74   57.873  106 0.012
## [39,]   76   61.916  104 0.009
## [40,]   78   65.946  102 0.006
## [41,]   80   69.968  100 0.004
## [42,]   82   73.985   98 0.002
## [43,]   84   77.993   96 0.001
## [44,]   86   81.998   94 0.000
## [45,]   88   85.999   92 0.000
## [46,]   90   90.002   90 0.000

Homework Problem 3:

E0 <- 938 # MeV
eV <- 4 # MeV
h <- 588
Es <- 8938 # MeV
gamt = 22
phis = 0
Nturns = 2^10 - 2
  • Create a routine to track the longitudinal phase space motion (\(\phi_n\), \(\Delta E_n\)) of a proton in a synchrotron undergoing longitudinal oscillations within a “stationary bucket” (i.e., \(\phi_s=0\) for \(\gamma < \gamma_t\)) for a number of iterations, \(N\), where \(1<n<N\). Assume the proton starts with initial \(\Delta E_0\) = 0 and an initial phase \(\phi_0\) (say, \(\pi/20\)). Use the Fermilab Main Injector for our example, which has the following parameters:

    • \(V\) = 4 MV; \(h\) = 588; \(E_s\) = 8938 MeV; \(\gamma_t\) = 22
  • Make a plot in \(\phi-\Delta E\) phase space of the particle motion over 1022 turns.

vonc = sqrt(1-(E0/Es)^2)
eta  = 1/gamt^2 - (E0/Es)^2
k    = 2*pi*h*eta/vonc^2
phi0 = pi/20

phi    = array(phi0, dim=Nturns)
dEonE  = array(0,    dim=Nturns)
dEonEmax = 0.008

plot(phi, dEonE, type="n", xlab="phase", ylab="dE/E",
   xlim=c(-pi,pi), ylim=c(-1,1)*dEonEmax, )

# track the particle...
for (j in 2:Nturns){
    du = dEonE[j-1] + eV/Es*(sin(phi[j-1])-sin(phis))
    dEonE[j] = du
    phi[j] = phi[j-1] + k*du
    if (phi[j] >  pi) { phi[j] = phi[j] - 2*pi }
    if (phi[j] < -pi) { phi[j] = phi[j] + 2*pi }
    if (dEonE[j] > dEonEmax*100) {dEonE[j] = 0  } 
    points(phi[j], dEonE[j], type="p",pch=".")  

R has a built-in Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function that allows one to analyze data for frequency content. The frequency (or, in this case, the “synchrotron tune”) of the particle’s motion can be estimated by looking at what tune value corresponds to the peak of the FFT coefficients. The following is a code chunck that creates a function to perform an FFT on a set of data, and find the value of the peak coefficient:

# Fast Fourier analyze the data to extract a "tune"
fftpeak = function(x){
   zz_x = abs(fft(x))
   f_x  = c(1:length(x))/length(x)
   f_xfft = f_x[ max.col( t( cbind( f_x, zz_x) ) )[2] ]
   nu_x = min(f_xfft, (1-f_xfft))

Again, track a particle for 1022 turns (Note: FFT calculations often perform best when using \(2^N\) − 2 data points) which has initial conditions \(\phi_0 = \pi/20\) and \(\Delta E_0\) = 0.

  • What synchrotron tune does an FFT analysis of the phase data (\(\phi_n\)) show? How does this compare with the analytically predicted value?
# Fast Fourier analyze the data to extract a "tune"
nu_u = fftpeak(phi)
## [1] 0.018591
nus_theory = sqrt(h*abs(eta)*eV*cos(phis)/(2*pi*vonc^2*Es))
## [1] 0.0194653
  • Try varying the number of turns tracked, such as 510, 2046, 4094, etc. For what number of turns is the FFT result within 5% of the predicted result?
Na = 2^c(9,10,11,12,13) - 2

phi    = array(phi0, dim=Nturns)
dEonE  = array(0,    dim=Nturns)

nus_theory = sqrt(h*abs(eta)*eV*cos(phis)/(2*pi*vonc^2*Es))
print(paste("theoretical nu_s = ",round(nus_theory,4)))
## [1] "theoretical nu_s =  0.0195"
# track the particle...
Nturns = Na[1]
for (i in 1:length(Na)){
  phi[1]   = phi0
  dEonE[1] = 0
  for (j in 2:Nturns){
      du = dEonE[j-1] + eV/Es*(sin(phi[j-1])-sin(phis))
      dEonE[j] = du
      phi[j] = phi[j-1] + k*du
  nu_u = fftpeak(phi)
  print(paste("For ", Nturns, " turns, nu_u = ",round(nu_u,5)))
  print(paste("       dnu/nu = ",
    round(abs(nu_u-nus_theory)/nus_theory*100,2)," %"))
  Nturns = Na[i+1]
## [1] "For  510  turns, nu_u =  0.00098"
## [1] "       dnu/nu =  94.97  %"
## [1] "For  1022  turns, nu_u =  0.02055"
## [1] "       dnu/nu =  5.56  %"
## [1] "For  2046  turns, nu_u =  0.01906"
## [1] "       dnu/nu =  2.07  %"
## [1] "For  4094  turns, nu_u =  0.0193"
## [1] "       dnu/nu =  0.87  %"
## [1] "For  8190  turns, nu_u =  0.01954"
## [1] "       dnu/nu =  0.36  %"
  • Next, to get an accurate result, track a particle through 16382 turns. Track for various initial \(\phi_0\)’s from \(10^\circ\) toward \(180^\circ\) and keep track of the synchrotron tune. How does the tune behave? Make a plot of \(\nu_s\) vs. \(\phi_0\) for the range within the stable region (separatrix).
Nturns = 2^14-2
phi_init = c(1:18)*10*pi/180

phi    = array(pi/10, dim=Nturns)
dEonE  = array(0,     dim=Nturns)
tune   = array(0,     dim=length(phi_init))
# track the particle...
phi0 = phi_init[1]
for (i in 1:length(phi_init)){
  phi[1]   = phi0
  dEonE[1] = 0
  for (j in 2:Nturns){
      du = dEonE[j-1] + eV/Es*(sin(phi[j-1])-sin(phis))
      dEonE[j] = du
      phi[j] = phi[j-1] + k*du
  nu_u = fftpeak(phi)
  print(paste("For phi_0 = ", phi0*180/pi, ", nu_u = ",round(nu_u,6)))
  tune[i] = nu_u
  phi0 = phi_init[i+1]
## [1] "For phi_0 =  10 , nu_u =  0.019351"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  20 , nu_u =  0.019412"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  30 , nu_u =  0.019106"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  40 , nu_u =  0.018801"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  50 , nu_u =  0.018496"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  60 , nu_u =  0.018069"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  70 , nu_u =  0.01758"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  80 , nu_u =  0.017031"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  90 , nu_u =  0.016543"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  100 , nu_u =  0.015749"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  110 , nu_u =  0.015078"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  120 , nu_u =  0.014223"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  130 , nu_u =  0.013307"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  140 , nu_u =  0.01227"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  150 , nu_u =  0.010988"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  160 , nu_u =  0.009767"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  170 , nu_u =  0.008058"
## [1] "For phi_0 =  180 , nu_u =  6.1e-05"

  • What can you say about the particle motion on or very near the separatrix?

Homework Problem 4:

C = 6000    # m
h = 1100
gamt = 18
gam = 1000
dz = 0.027  # m
Dx = 5.2    # m
dR = 0.0005  # m

Two bunched beams of protons are counter-circulating in a synchrotron collider and are being brought into collision. Initially these bunches have identical average momentum, \(p_0\). The detector system shows that collisions are occuring, but the maximum of the luminosity is located 27 mm from the center of the detector and this needs to be corrected. Using an RF cavity system, the momentum of one beam relative to its initial momentum is increased by fraction \(\delta = \Delta p/p_0\), while the other beam has its average momentum held steady. The RF systems operate at a harmonic number of \(h\) = 1100 in the collider which has a circumference of 6 km. The transition energy of the synchrotron is at \(\gamma_t\) = 18 while the operation is performed at high energy where \(\gamma\) = 1000.

  • A Beam Position Monitor is located where the horizontal dispersion is 5.2 m. If a 0.5 mm change in the radial position (in magnitude) is observed during the operation, what relative change in momentum \(\delta\) does this correspond to?
del = dR/Dx
## [1] 9.615385e-05
  • Assuming this change in momentum is made instantaneously, approximately how many revolutions about the synchrotron must the particles make before the collisions can become centered in the detector? How long does this take?
# dt/T = eta dp/p = eta * del
# n * dt * v = dz
# so, n = dz/(dt*v) = dz/(T*v*eta*del) = dz/(C*eta*del)
eta = 1/gamt^2-1/gam^2
n = dz/C/eta/del
## [1] 15
v = 3e8*sqrt(1-1/gam^2)
n*C/v*1e3 # time, milliseconds (for v = c)
## [1] 0.3033624
  • What change in the RF frequency (magnitude) is required to implement this operation?
# df/f = - eta * del
# f_RF = h*f_rev = h*v/C;  so, ...
df_RF = -h*v/C*eta*del
abs(df_RF)  # Hz
## [1] 16.31712