Using CONDOR batch system for ATLAS jobs


  • NICADD cluster account

NICADD T3 cluster

Currently there are five nodes at the NICADD cluster to be used primarily for Atlas related analyses :

  • pt3int0 ( - the Interactive public node,
    for code development , batch submission and data sample downloads
  • pt3wrk0-pt3wrk4 - T3 worker nodes (176 batch slots total)

Additionally nodes pncX and phpcX nodes can run Atlas batch jobs (420 more slots) over data from /xdata or /bdata disks.Each node has a local disk space (/disk) that should be used as a scratch for batch jobs.

CONDOR batch system

Please read the CONDOR user manual , specifically the "submitting a job" and "managing a job" chapters. The important commands are condor_status, condor_q, condor_submit, condor_hold, and condor_rm.

Here are the examples of job description file (Attach:atlasT3_CondorCmd.template) and shell script ( that uses the ATLAS environment.To start, download copy both files into a test area:

         mkdir  /xdata/$USER/condor_test 
         cd   /xdata/$USER/condor_test 
         cp atlasT3_CondorCmd.template atlasT3_Condor.cmd

//edit atlasT3_Condor.cmd, replace "user" with actual username
//edit, customize for the real job
//run locally, if satisfied submit job

          condor_submit atlasT3_Condor.cmd

Page last modified on August 31, 2018, at 02:48 PM EST

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