File:  [Nicadd] / ttbar / p20_taujets_note / Preselection.tex
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\section{Analysis outline}
Up to this point we have presented the data sample used in this analysis (Section \ref{sub:datasample})
the Monte Carlo samples and corrections applied to them (Sections \ref{sub:mcsample} and \ref{sub:mcsample_xseccorr}),
the trigger used and its simulation (Section \ref{sec:trig_param}) and the object ID
method (Section \ref{sec:objects}). Now we describe the next steps of the analysis
towards the final cross section measurement:

\item Preselection (section \ref{sub:Preselection}): at least 4 jets, at least one $\tau$ with NN$>$0.3 and $p_{T}>10$ GeV/$c$,
15 GeV $\leq$ $\not\!\! E_{T}$ $\leq$ 500 GeV and $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance $>$4.0. 
\item $\tau$- and b-ID cuts (section \ref{sub:Results-of-the}): at least one good $\tau$ lepton 
candidate and at least one tight NN b-tag are required.  
\item Topological NN (section \ref{sub:NN-variables}): a
feed-forward NN's is trained in order to provide signal-background separation. The NN
was optimized by testing different sets of topological variables as its inputs and by applying
different $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance cuts.
\item Topological Variables (section \ref{sub:Topo}): section showing final analysis plots of topological
variables of interest.
\item Cross Section (section \ref{sub:xsect}) The signal fraction determination is 
combined with the integrated luminosity measurement to calculate the cross section.  
The systematic errors are estimated by changing
the values up-down by 1 sigma independently for each component
at a time and then propagating them through the entire procedure. 


The preselection is the first step of the analysis. The cuts presented here were chosen in order to provide the best
background reduction and enhance the $t\bar{t}$  content at this point. The cuts are the similar to those used in the 
p17 analysis \cite{p17_note} except that this time we optimized the value of $\not\!\! E_{T}$ 
significance along with the sets of variables we used as inputs to NN training (Section \ref{sub:NN}). 
Cuts shown below were applied to samples shown in Table \ref{used_mc} as well as to data as shown in Section \ref{sub:datasample}.

%\item One $\tau$ lepton. 
%\item $\not\!\! E_{T}$ arising from both the W vertex and $\tau$
%\item At least 4 jets including two $b$-jets. 

\item Duplicate event removal and event quality
\item At least 4 jets with $p_{T}>15$ GeV and $|\eta| <$2.5, with leading (in $p_{T}$) jet $p_{T}>35$ GeV and second and third jets have $p_{T}>25$ GeV
\item at least one $\tau$ with NN$>$0.3 and $p_{T}>10$ GeV 
\item 15 GeV $\leq$ $\not\!\! E_{T}$ $\leq$ 500 GeV
\item $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance $\geq$ 4.0.Missing transverse energy significance is a 
measure of the likelihood of $\not\!\! E_{T}$
arising from physical sources. It is computed from calculated resolutions of physical objects (jets, electrons,
muons and unclustered energy) \cite{p17_note,METsig}.
\item Vertex selection: at least 3 tracks and $|z_{max}|$ = 60 cm.

\item No isolated electron or muon. This is done in order to ensure orthogonality with other \dzero \hspace{1pt} 
measurements (\cite{l+jets} and \cite{dilepton}) - events that pass the lepton preselection cuts from these measurements 
were vetoed. Also events that pass the all-jets analysis preselection cuts (described in the alljet analysis note \cite{alljet}) 
are rejected here.


%\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{plots/metl}% Here is how to import EPS art
%\caption{$\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance for QCD-dominated data (black), $W+jets$ (blue) and $t\bar{t}\rightarrow\tau+jets$ (red).}

Among all preselection cuts one of them requires a more detailed description at this point since it represents
an improvement upon the old p17 analysis: $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance.
. Initially no $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance
was applied neither on MC nor on data. In this analysis we decided
to optimize the $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance cut along with the NN optimization itself. 
After finishing the $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance optimization 
part we went back and applied the optimized cut along with the non-optimized NNelec cut only to MC. 
The entire optimization procedure is described in Section \ref{sub:NN-optimization}.

In data, initially the sample contained approximately 650 million events and the number of preselected events
(once again, without $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance applied) is approximately 2.8 million events.

Another relevant aspect of the preselection is the usage of Particle Selector (only applied to MC samples). 
In this step we select a specific $\ttbar$ final state, namely, we split $W$ decay 
into $W \rightarrow e/\mu /\tau $ and 
tracked separate efficiencies for each of these processes. In this step we selected hadronic decays of tau.
Events where the tau decays into an electron or a muon were put into $e + jets$ and $\mu + jets$ samples.
As in p17, we decided to not split the dilepton sample in different lepton flavors.

As previously described, $t\bar{t}$ were generated by ALPGEN. In ALPGEN, different process with different
numbers of partons have different cross sections and number of events. This fact must be taken into account when calculating the 
efficiencies, namely, efficiencies must be properly scaled to the luminosity of the sample (4951.85 pb$^{-1}$). Tables 
7 and 8 show the ALPGEN weights for $t\bar{t} \rightarrow$ lepton + jets
%VI and VII show the number beforementioned for $t\bar{t} \rightarrow$ lepton + jets
and $t\bar{t} \rightarrow$ dilepton respectively.

\begin{tabular}{|c|r|r|r|} \hline
Process   & \# of events & cross section (pb) & alpgen weight    \\ \hline


$t\bar{t}$ + 0 light parton     &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{777068}   &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{1.400} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00892}  \\ \hline

$t\bar{t}$ + 1 light parton      &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{457782} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.577} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00624} \\ \hline

$t\bar{t}$ + $\geq$ 2 light partons     &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{321166}   &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.267} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00412} \\ \hline
\caption{$t\bar{t} \rightarrow$ lepton + jets ALPGEN weights.}

\begin{tabular}{|c|r|r|r|} \hline
Process   & \# of events & cross section (pb) & alpgen weight    \\ \hline


0 light parton     &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{749642}   &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.352} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00233}  \\ \hline

1 light parton      &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{452177} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.142} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00156} \\ \hline

$\geq$ 2 light partons     &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{281453}   &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.068} &  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{0.00119} \\ \hline
\caption{$t\bar{t} \rightarrow$ dilepton ALPGEN weights.}

Tables \ref{taujets_cutflow}, \ref{ejets_cutflow}, \ref{mujets_cutflow} and
\ref{dilep_cutflow} show cut flows for all preselection cuts applied to different $\ttbar$ decays 
(only statistical uncertainties are shown).


Selection & Events & Relative  & Cumulative \\ \hline Initial & 11164 & &  \\ 
Particle selector & 2412 &  $ 21.60 \pm 0.03 ~\% $ &  $ 21.60 \pm 0.03~\% $ \\
Duplicate events removal & 2411 &  $ 99.98 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 21.60 \pm 0.03~\% $ \\
Event quality & 2315 &  $ 96.00 \pm 0.04 ~\% $ &  $ 20.74 \pm 0.03~\% $   \\
Jet selection & 1307 &  $ 59.45 \pm 0.09 ~\% $ &  $ 11.70 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Vertex selection & 1296 &  $ 99.18 \pm 0.02 ~\% $ &  $ 11.61 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Electron veto & 1282 &  $ 98.93 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 11.49 \pm 0.03~\% $ \\ 
Muon veto & 1282 &  $ 99.93 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 11.48 \pm 0.03~\% $ \\ 
MET selection & 1218 &  $ 95.05 \pm 0.05 ~\% $ &  $ 10.91 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ 
MET significance & 772 &  $ 63.39 \pm 0.12 ~\% $ &  $ 6.92 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\
tau selection & 394 &  $ 53.51 \pm 0.15 ~\% $ &  $ 3.70 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ \hline

\caption{Preselection $t\overline{t}\rightarrow\tau+jets$ cut flow} 


Selection & Events & Relative  & Cumulative \\ \hline Initial & 11164 & &  \\ 
Particle selector & 4385 &  $ 39.28 \pm 0.04 ~\% $ &  $ 39.28 \pm 0.04~\% $ \\
Duplicate event removal & 4383 &  $ 99.96 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 39.26 \pm 0.04~\% $ \\
Event quality & 4207 &  $ 95.97 \pm 0.03 ~\% $ &  $ 37.68 \pm 0.04~\% $   \\
Jet selection & 1923 &  $ 45.71 \pm 0.07 ~\% $ &  $ 17.22 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Vertex selection & 1907 &  $ 99.20 \pm 0.02 ~\% $ &  $ 17.08 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Electron veto & 1048 &  $ 54.94 \pm 0.10 ~\% $ &  $ 9.39 \pm 0.02~\% $ \\ 
Muon veto & 1047 &  $ 99.95 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 9.38 \pm 0.02~\% $ \\ 
MET selection & 1002 &  $ 95.64 \pm 0.05~\% $ &  $ 8.97 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ 
MET significance & 669 &  $ 66.74 \pm 0.13 ~\% $ &  $ 5.99 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\
tau selection & 395 &  $ 59.12 \pm 0.16 ~\% $ &  $ 3.54 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ \hline

\caption{Preselection $t\overline{t}\rightarrow e+jets$ cut flow}


Selection & Events & Relative  & Cumulative \\ \hline Initial & 11164 & &  \\ 
Particle selector & 4367 &  $ 39.12 \pm 0.04 ~\% $ &  $ 39.12 \pm 0.04~\% $ \\
Duplicate event removal & 4366 &  $ 99.96 \pm 0.04 ~\% $ &  $ 39.10 \pm 0.04~\% $ \\
Event quality & 4189 &  $  95.95 \pm 0.03 ~\% $ &  $ 37.52 \pm 0.04~\% $   \\
Jet selection & 1990 &  $ 47.52 \pm 0.07 ~\% $ &  $ 17.83 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Vertex selection & 1975 &  $ 99.23 \pm 0.02 ~\% $ &  $ 17.69 \pm 0.03~\% $  \\ 
Electron veto & 1967 &  $ 99.59 \pm 0.01 ~\% $ &  $ 17.62 \pm 0.03~\% $ \\ 
Muon veto &  1170 &  $ 59.48 \pm 0.09 ~\% $ &  $ 10.48 \pm 0.02~\% $ \\ 
MET selection & 1127 &  $ 96.31 \pm 0.04~\% $ &  $ 10.09 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ 
MET significance & 812 &  $ 72.06 \pm 0.11 ~\% $ &  $ 7.27 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\
tau selection & 186 &  $ 22.95 \pm 0.13 ~\% $ &  $ 1.67 \pm 0.01~\% $  \\ \hline

\caption{Preselection $t\overline{t}\rightarrow \mu +jets$ cut flow}

Selection & Events & Relative  & Cumulative \\ \hline Initial & 2799 & &  \\ 
Particle selector & 2799 &  $ 100.00 \pm 0.00 ~\% $ &  $ 100.00 \pm 0.00~\% $ \\
Duplicate event removal & 2799 &  $ 100.00 \pm 0.00 ~\% $ &  $ 100.00 \pm 0.00~\% $ \\
Event quality & 2685 &  $ 95.92 \pm 0.02 ~\% $ &  $ 95.92 \pm 0.02~\% $   \\
Jet selection & 145 &  $ 5.41 \pm 0.02 ~\% $ &  $ 5.19 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ 
Vertex selection & 144 &  $ 99.32 \pm 0.03 ~\% $ &  $ 5.16 \pm 0.02~\% $  \\ 
Electron veto & 110 &  $ 76.14 \pm 0.13 ~\% $ &  $ 3.93 \pm 0.01~\% $ \\ 
Muon veto & 83 &  $ 75.08 \pm 0.16 ~\% $ &  $ 2.95 \pm 0.01~\% $ \\ 
MET selection & 80 &  $ 96.45 \pm 0.08~\% $ &  $ 2.84 \pm 0.01~\% $  \\ 
MET significance & 60 &  $ 75.32 \pm 0.19 ~\% $ &  $ 2.14 \pm 0.01~\% $  \\
tau selection & 38 &  $ 63.21 \pm 0.24 ~\% $ &  $ 1.35 \pm 0.01~\% $  \\ \hline

\caption{Preselection $t\overline{t}\rightarrow l+l$ cut flow}



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