File:  [Nicadd] / ttbar / p20_taujets_note / Bibliography.tex
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\bibitem{Charged Higgs Theory} J. A. Coarasa, J. Guasch, and J. Sola,
Report No. UAB-FT-451, 1999, hep-ph/9903212 

\bibitem{p14_note} {\it Measurement of top pair production cross section from the tau + jets channel}, D\O\ Note 5158.

\bibitem{p17_note} {\it Measurement of $\sigma(p\bar{p} \rightarrow t\bar{t}X)$ in $\tau + jets$ channel using
 1 fb$^{-1}$ of data}, D\O\ Note 5765.

\bibitem{3jet_data} Commom Sample Group, {\tt}

%\bibitem{bID_note} A Trigger Parameterization for the $\phi b \rightarrow b\bar{b}b$ analysis of RunIIb data, D\O\ Note 5885
\bibitem{bIDH_note} {\it Search for neutral Higgs bosons in $\phi b \rightarrow b\bar{b}b$ using RunIIb data}, D\O\ Note 5709

\bibitem{3jet_mc} Commom Sample Group, {\tt}

\bibitem{alpgen} M.L. Mangano {\it et al.}, ``ALPGEN: a generator for hard multiparton process in hadronic collisions", JHEP {\bf 0307}, 001 (2003);

\bibitem{pythia} T. Sjostrand, P. Eden, C. Friberg, L. Lonnblad, G. Miu, S. Mrenna and E. norbin, Computer Phys. Commun. {\bf 135}, 238 (2001).

\bibitem{evtgen} {\texttt}
\bibitem{tauola} S. Jadach, Z. Was, R. Decker, J.H. Kuehn, Comp. Phys. Commun. {\bf}, 361 (1993) (CERN TH-6793 preprint).

\bibitem{kfactor} {\tt\&categ=a081895\&id=a081895s0t3/transparencies}.

\bibitem{mcfm} S. Muanza, {\it A compilation of MCFM v5.1 Cross Sections.} D\O\ Note 5300.

%\bibitem{topnnlo} PRD {\bf 78}, 034003 (2008).

\bibitem{top_sys} {\it Systematics Uncertainties in Top Quark Measurements}, D\O\ Note 6024.

\bibitem{lumireweight} {\tt}.

\bibitem{PVz_re} H. Schellman, {\it The longitudinal shape of the luminous regions at D\O\ } D\O\ Note 5885.

\bibitem{WZPt_re} D. Price, W. Fisher, and J. Haley, {\it Studies of Alpgen parameters corrections and uncertainties}, D\O\ Note 5966.

\bibitem{bfrag} Y. Peters, M. Begel, K. Hamacher, and D. Wicke, {\it Reweighting of the fragmentation function for the D\O\ Monte Carlo}, D\O\ Note 5325.

\bibitem{jssr} N. Makovec and J.F. Grivaz, {\it Shifiting, smearing, and removing simulated jets}, D\O\ Note 4914.

\bibitem{tes} {\it Search For MSSM Higgs Boson Production in the Decay $h \rightarrow \tau_{\mu}\tau_{had}$ with the D\O\
Detector at at $\sqrt{1.96}$ TeV}, D\O\ Note 5708.

\bibitem{tau-id} {\it D\O\ $\tau$ ID certification}, D\O\ Note 4773.

\bibitem{PDG} S.Eldelman \textit{et al.} (Particle Data Group), Phys. Lett. B 592, 1(2004) and 2005 

\bibitem{jet-id} G.C. Blazey et al., arXiv.hep-ex/0005012 (2000).

\bibitem{t42} G.Bernardi, E. Busato and J.R. Vlimant, {\it Improvements from the T42 Algorithm on calorimeter objects reconstruction}, D\O\ Note 4335.

\bibitem{jet-qual} A. Harel, {\it Jet ID Optimization}, D\O\ note 4919.

\bibitem{jes} {\it Jet Energy Scale Determination at D\O\ Run II}, D\O\ Note 5382.

\bibitem{jesmu} A. Harel, {\it Capping the JES muon corrections}, D\O\ Note 5563.

\bibitem{bID-p20} T. Gadfort, A. Haas, D. Johnston, D. Lincoln, T. Scalon and S. Schlobohm {\it Performance of the D\O\ NN b-tagging Tool on p20 Data}, D\O\ Note 5554

\bibitem{bID-p17} M. Anastasoaie, S. Robinson, T. Scalon, {\it Performance of the NN b-tagging Tool on p17 Data}, D\O\ Note 5213 

\bibitem{b_fake} T. Scalon and S. Greder, {\it Measurement of the p20 Fake Rate using Binned Fits do Data}, D\O\ Note 6046 

%\bibitem{taggability} S. Dutt, G. Otero Y Garzon, D. Lincoln and S. Beri, {\it p20 Taggability Studies}, D\O\ Note 5773 

\bibitem{single top} {\it Search for Single Top Quark Production with 1.0 fb$^{-1}$}, D\O\ Note 5285

\bibitem{l+jets} {\it Measurement of the ttbar cross section in the lepton+jets channel with 5.3 fb$^{-1}$} , D\O\ Note 6028.

\bibitem{dilepton} D\O\ Note 5350 and D\O\ Note 5360

\bibitem{alljet} {\it Measurement of the $t\bar{t}\rightarrow all-jets$ production cross section using Secondary Vertex Tagging}, D\O\ Note 4830 

\bibitem{METsig} {\it $\not\!\! E_{T}$ significance Algorithm in RunII Data}, D\O\ Note 4254

\bibitem{p17topo} {\it Measurement of the top-antitop quark pair production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions
at $\sqrt{1.96}$ TeV in the lepton + jets final state}, D\O\ Note 5262 

\bibitem{tes_sys} {\tt\&fid=57}.

\bibitem{higgs_tau} {\it D\O\ Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at high tan $\beta$ in the final state $\tau_{\mu}\tau_{h}b$ with 4.3 fb$^{-1}$ of Run2b Data} , D\O\ Note 6077.

%\bibitem{metl_jet} {\texttt\&fid=35}

%\bibitem{metl_electron} {\texttt\_analysis/zpt\_note\}

%\bibitem{metl_muon} {\texttt\_note/p17\_certif/muonid\_p17.pdf}

\bibitem{MLPfit} {\texttt} 

%\bibitem{CDF Charged Higgs} top $->$ charged Higgs PRD 62:012004, 2000 

%\bibitem{D0 Charged Higgs} Direct Search for Charged Higgs Bosons
%in $t\bar{t}$ events, D\O\ Note 4357 

%\bibitem{NLO} Theoretical top quark cross section at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC, N. Kidonakis and R. Vogt, Phys. Rev. D 78, 074005

%\bibitem{p14_note} Measurement of top pair production cross section from the
%tau+jets final state, D\O\ Note 5158

%\bibitem{Luminosity} {\textit}


%\bibitem{pdf} J. Pumplin, D.R.~Stump, J.~Huston, H.L.~Lai, P.~Nadolsky, W.K. Tung, hep-ph/0201195.

%\bibitem{geant} R. Brun and F. Carminati, CERN Program Library Long Writeup W5013 1993.

%\bibitem{trigger} The Top Trigger Package: Including Version 13 Triggers and Other Improvements, D\O\ Note 4883

%\bibitem{W+4j} Determination of Weighting Factors for ALPGEN Monte Carlo
%Signal and Background Samples,  D\O\ Note 5016

%\bibitem{jet matching} S. H\"{o}oche et al., ''Matching Parton Showers and Matrix Elements," hep-ph/0602031

%\bibitem{Kfactor_note} Study of the W+jets Heavy Flavor scale factor in p17, D\O\ Note 5406

%\bibitem{MINUIT} {\texttt}

%\bibitem{JER syst} {\texttt}

%\bibitem{tau syst} Systematic uncertainty of tau identification neural network for p17 data, D\O\ Note 5408

%\bibitem{trigeff_cafe} trigeff cafe: Single object efficiency calculation in the CAFe environment, D\O\ Note 5093


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