File:  [Nicadd] / CVSROOT / cvsspam.conf
Revision 1.5: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed May 18 17:45:32 2011 UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by uid12904
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
*** empty log message ***

# -*- Ruby -*- Configuration for CVSspam commit-mail generation system

# Part of CVSspam
# Copyright (c) David Holroyd

#     Place this file in your CVSROOT/, or specify its location with
#   collect_diffs.rb's --config argument.

# Who should be mailed?                                              (Optional)
#     Multiple addresses may specified.  These will be used in addition to any
#   --to arguemnts given to collect_diffs.rb on the commandline (i.e. in
#   'CVSROOT/loginfo').
#     If you need lots of commit-mail recipients, consider setting up a mailing
#   list to propogate the messages.

#addRecipient ""

# Link to Bug/Issue Tracking systems                                 (Optional)
#     If you want comments to include links to a Bugzilla installation, give
#   $bugzillaURL of the page for viewing bugs (usually show_bug.cgi) using the
#   string '%s' to specify where the bugId should be substituted.
#     If you specify a URL, text within log-comments of the form 'bug 1234'
#   will be made into hyperlinks in the generated email.
#     When $jiraURL is given, text of the form 'project-1234' will be linked
#   to this issue in JIRA.

#$bugzillaURL = ""

#$jiraURL = ""

# Link to Wiki systems
#   If you want comments to include links to a Wiki installation, give
#   $wikiURL of the wiki's page, using %s to specify where the link
#   should be substituted. Example:
#   $wikiURL = ""
#   If you specify a URL, text within log-comments of the form '[[wiki link]]'
#   will be made into hyperlinks in the generated email.

$wikiURL = ""

# Link to CVS web frontends                                          (Optional)
#     The generated mail can contain links to the new/original versions of a
#   changed file.  This can be particularly useful for viewing binary files
#   (i.e. images) before an after a change, as no diff is included for these.
#     Specify one of either $viewcvsURL or $choraURL (or neither if you don't
#   have them, and don't want links).  For ViewCVS, the URL usually ends with
#   'viewcvs.cgi'.  For Chora, the URL usualy ends with the directory that
#   contains cvs.php/diff.php/etc.

#$viewcvsURL = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi"

#$choraURL = "http://localhost/hord/chora/"

$cvswebURL      = ""
$repository_name= "Nicadd" 
# Additional SMTP Headers                                            (Optional)
#     You can specify additional headers to add to the generated email.  (For
#   instance, you could flag mails, and tell SpamAssasin to be kind to them.)

#addHeader "Reply-To", "dev-list@somewhere.invalid"
#addHeader "X-Been-There", ""

# sendmail location                             (Default: '/usr/sbin/sendmail')
#     If your sendmail program is installed somewhere other than the default,
#   specify the location here.  The program specified must accept the -t option
#   (to make it accept mail headers on stdin).
#     See also $smtp_host, below.

#$sendmail_prog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"

# SMTP host name                                                     (Optional)
#     If you don't have a sendmail-like local MTA, you can specify an SMTP
#   server to connect to, instead.  Setting a value here means that the
#   $sendmail_prog is ignored; if left unset, SMTP will not be used.
#     Windows users don't normally have sendmail-like software, and so will
#   want to configure this option.

#$smtp_host = "smtp.your.domain"

# cvs location                                        (Default: standard $PATH)
#     If your cvs program is installed somewhere outside the standard $PATH,
#   specify the location here.

#$cvs_prog = "/opt/cvs/bin/cvs"
#$cvs_prog = "/bin/cvs"

# cvsdiff keyword ignoring                  (Default: show changes in keywords)
#     Changes in CVS keywords can be distracting.  For instance, the
#   $Revision: 1.5 $ keyword will change on each commit.  Set this value to true
#   to exclude changes in keyword fields (adds the -kk option to cvs diff).

$diff_ignore_keywords = true

# $no_removed_file_diff and $no_added_file_diff
#     Set both these options, and emails will only include diffs for files
#   that previously existed in the repository and have been modified, but not
#   deleted...

# Don't show diff for removed files             (Default: show file's contents)
#     If you aren't interested in seeing the contents of a file that was
#   removed, set this option to true.  The files will still appear in the index
#   at the top of the email.

$no_removed_file_diff = true

# Don't show diff for added files             (Default: show file's contents)
#     If you aren't interested in seeing the contents of a file that was
#   added, set this option to true.  The files will still appear in the index
#   at the top of the email.

$no_added_file_diff = true

# Don't show any diffs in email                         (Default: show diffs)
#     In addition to the two switches above for removing diffs for newly-added
#   and just-removed files, you can use this option to simply stop any diff
#   output appearing in the email at all.  This overides the values set for
#   $no_removed_file_diff and $no_added_file_diff.

#$no_diff = true

# Email character set                       (Default: no charset specification)
#     Allows the specification of a character set for all generated emails.
#   The files CVS is dealing with should already be in the character set you
#   specify -- no transcoding is done.


# File names in Subject                      (Default: no filenames in Subject)
#     Some people like file names to appear in the email subject.  To make
#   them happy, you can say $files_in_subject = true here.

#$files_in_subject = false

$subjectPrefix = "CVS update:"

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