ASTRONOMY 162 TEST 1 E = mc^2 F = ma F= Gm1m2/r^2 c = 300,000 km/sec v = f*lambda D^3=(M1+M2)P^2 lam(max)=3,000,000/T E/A =sigT^4 part 1: 3 points for each multiple choice question. 1. The 'wanderers' is the ancient name given to the a) phases of the Moon b) moons of Jupitor * c) planets d) meteors 2. Which of the following describes parallax? a) An ancient Greek method of describing a planet's orbit b) what cauuses light to be bent in a lens * c) A geometric method of measuring distances to remote objects d) none of the above 3. Light is directly produced by a) gravity * b) electric charges c) a telescope d) radio waves 4. The strong nuclear force between protons and neutrons in a nucleus is: a) independent of the distance between the two bodies b) equal in strength to the electromagnetic force * c) almost always an attractive force d) always a repulsive force 5. The Heloicentric model of the Solar System is sometimes called the _______________ view. a) Aristotelian b) Ptolemiac c) Newtonian * d) Copernican 6. The Sun is expected to shine steadily for a few more ________years a) thousand b) million * c) billion d) trillion 7. As you heat a solid object such as an iron poker, what happens to the wavelength at which it emits the most radiation? * a) it shifts toward shorter wavelength b) it shifts toward longer wavelength c) it remains the same but the object gets brighter d) no radiation occurs at low wavelengths 8. The process whereby the sun generates its energy is called: * a) nuclear fusion b) nuclear fission c) chemical burning d) solar burning 9. According to Newton's laws of motion, an object moving through space far from any other one will a) travel in a perfectly circular orbit b) eventually stop c) speed up until it reaches the speed of light * d) continue to move in a straight line at the same speed 10. The shape of the planetary orbits is that of an: * a) ellipse b) circle c) parabola d) oval 11. The two main "windows" in the Earth's atmosphere that astronomers can use are a) ultraviolet and visible b) radio and cosmic rays c) infrared and visible * d) visible and radio 12. The closer a planet is to the Sun a) the older it is * b) the faster it is moving about the Sun c) the bigger it is d) the slower it is moving about the Sun 13. The frequency at which the intensity of the light from a star peaks depends on the star's a) wavelength * b) temperature c) distance d) size 14. What is the resolving power of a telescope? * a) the ability to distinguish two adjacent objects in the sky b) its abaility to collect a large amount of light c) the amount of magnification d) its ability to separate light into different wavelengths 15. The Ptolemaic model of the universe a) described the orbits of the planets as ellipses b) is the basis of our modern cosmology * c) had the Earth as the center of the universe d) all of the above 16. Colors are perceived differently by our eyes because of their different: a) speeds b) particles c) amplitude shifts * d) wavelegths 17. If an imaginary planet X within our solar system was about 5 AU from the Sun ((1 AU = distance of the earth to the Sun) then how long would it take to make one orbit about the Sun? a) 2 years b) 5 years * c) 11 years d) 20 years 18. Polaris, the North Star, doesn't appear to move in the sky because * a) it lies directly over the northern axis of the Earth b) the stars are fixed relative to each other c) it is too nearby for the motion to be discernible d) it is located directly overhead of everyone on Earth 19. The gravitational force between two bodies is: a) sometimes attractive, sometimes repulsive * b) always an attractive force c) independent of the distance between the two bodies d) always a repulsive force 20. The Doppler effect causes light emitted from a body moving away from the observer to be a) unchanged * b) shifted to lower frequencies (red shift) c) shifted to higher frequencies (blue shift) d) shifted to lower wavelengths (yellow shift) 21. Electromagnetic emissions in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum have a) smaller frequencies than does visible light b) smaller wavelengths than X-rays c) smaller velocities than sound waves * d) smaller wavelengths than infrared radiation 22. The Sun is primarily composed of a) liquid hydrogen * b) hydrogen gas c) helium gas d) oxygen and nitrogen Section 2: Short Answers. 23. Explain any one of Kepler's laws of planetary motion in terms of Newton's law of gravitational force. 10 points 24. Name three astronomical observations made by Galileo. Why were each important? 12 ponts 25. Show the three nuclear reactions which convert 6 protons into Helium 4 (2 protons plus 2 neutrons) plus 2 protons. Why do these processes cause energy in the form of heat to be produced? 12 points