Day 1 (Nov 7) - simulation and analysis tools Morning (08:30 - 12:00) 0. Welcome, workshop goals etc. (10') 20-30 min talks: 1. LCD software overview (N. Graf) 2. European perspective/ news from CALICE (H. Videau) 3. News from TESLA (T. Behnke) (to be confirmed) --- coffee break --- 4. JAS 3 (T. Johnson) 5. LCD Geant4 + LCDRoot (T. Abe) 6. Geant4 for JAS + comparisons with GISMO (R. McIntosh/M.Arov) --- lunch break --- Afternoon (13:30 - 17:00) * Demos and tutorials on selected topics from the morning session Day 2 (Nov 8) - reconstruction/algorithms Morning (08:30 - 12:00) 20-30 min talks: 1. LCD calorimeter reconstructions (N. Graf) 2. Infrastructure requirements (Speaker to be confirmed) 3. E-flow experience from LEP/elsewhere (speaker to be confirmed) --- coffee break --- 4. E-flow algorithm for LCD - take 1 (V. Zutshi/A. Maciel) 5. E-flow algorithm for LCD - take 2 (S. Magill/S. Kuhlmann) 6. E-flow algorithm for LCD - take 3 (G. Bower/R. Cassell) --- lunch break --- Afternoon (13:30 - 17:00) * Demos and tutorials on a couple of topics from the morning session --- coffee break --- * Moderated discussion on prioritization of outstanding tasks, wish list. Day 3 (Nov 9) - plans for UTA workshop and beyond Morning (08:30 - 12:00) * Open discussion, volunteering --- coffee break --- * neucleation, plans for staying on course * workshop summary ------------ workshop ends -----------------