* Next meeting: Friday March 12th 4pm in "the Motel" * attendees: Rodion, Markus, Nick, Kai, Helen, Jamie, Matt, and Philippe * Plan for next week: -Monday: Round beam studies (Kai/Steve) If time, do some "two pulses" studies (Rodion/Philippe) -Tuesday: North cave will be running preventing us from running cryo-system. Gun studies (Nick/Markus/Philippe) -Wednesday: 9-Cell Transfer matrix (Philippe) -Thursday: Morning (up to lunch time): Bunch length (Daniel) Afternoon: Plasma (Matt et al.) -Friday: Plasma (Matt et al.) * Last week achievements: - Monday: Problem with the 9-cell (related to cryogenic system) that prevented us from running. - Tuesday: Worked on the 9-cell in the morning (cave open) and two pulses studies in the afternoon (Rodion/Philippe) - Wednesday: Round beam studies (Kai) measured beam envelope along the beamline for a lower cavity gradient. - Thursday: Did some CTR measurement (Daniel), one autocorrelation was recorded. Garry Lautenschlager (radiation safety) did some measurement of radiation level to define operating limit for A0 for both the 45 deg and the plasma experiment dumps. Plasma experiment (Matt et al.) ran. In the morning some some hardware work on the plasma source contributed in improving the ground loop problem that was observed the previous days - Friday/Saturday: Worked on plasma, tried to improve charge transmission up to plasma chamber: 70% of the charge emitted is currently transmitted (Matt + Nick). * Discussions: - Philippe presented some measurement of the impact of the photo-cathode drive laser oscillator bandwidth on the energy spread of the beam as measured on X3. There is some strong correlation, with a y versus energy correlation when the oscillator is off its nominal bandwidth of ~20 Angstroms. These correlation are not understood yet. - Nick presented some results from the on-line modeling he has been working on. A set of scripts were written. These scripts can, from the current machine setting, build up an Astra input deck, run Astra and display results spot size on screens, and multi-slits images. - Philippe showed some attempt to understand discrepancies between simulation and measurement for the solenoid settings required to get a focus on X2 -- work still on-going. - Rodion reported about his preliminary analysis of the measurement of time separation between two pulses generated with the pulse stacker. - Matt asked to have more charge out of the gun, i.e. more energy out of the laser. Rodion will come up with a plan (he actually did today) and we will discuss whether we should proceed with his plan. It was noted that in the past we have burnt laser component and we should be very careful not to exceed the damage threshold of any components.