Activities of FNPL from 11/03 - 15/08 Friday July 15 st, 2005 minutes at: * Plan for next week: Monday - morning access to fix 2 cameras and measure BPM delay line attenuation for new BPMs. Then beam to the downstream dump. Tuesday - Beam to the downstream dump. Wednesday, Thursday - Rodion takes data. Friday - Cavities in the North, Laser Day in the south. * Last week activities Laser pulse stacker work. With 4 pulses, the rise time is 6ps, an the flattop is 19.3ps Fluctuations look good - Jianliang. Dark current measurements - increased dark current is from the higher and nominal gradient we are running. At lower gradients, dark current is similar to measurements from November - Ray/Maggie. Phase scans to understand SEY and multipactoring in gun - Ray/Maggie. Rodian running the past two days. UIUC has tested with DAQ and are "happy for now". They were able to read back everything with beam upstream of the yellow spectrometer. This morning, beam was threaded ALMOST to the downstream dump. The new BPMs are reading out positions. Beam certainly seen at XU5 and BPM 11. The camera at the end of the beamline was not functional and it was unclear how close to the dump we got - Monday hopefully. Mike Davidsaver is to provide a BPM program to read their BPMS and the last few BPMS upstream of the yellow spectrometer (Monday?). -Ray/Jamie/Rudy Rudy and Manfred have a scheme to make BPM about 10x faster. This will be tried on Tuesday with beam in the UIUC beamline. ACTION ITEM H8/ calibration of upstream directional coupler and insulator (Markus need to speak to Tim and with Kai to schedule this STATUS?) H13/ Pulse stacker, what do we do? (Rodion, imaging system helped with alignement of pulse stacker) H21/ the laser uniformity problem can this be due to the new (since late summer) tight focusing in the doubling crystal area to improve conversion efficiency? On going work [Rodion] H33/ laser fluctuation since June 1st week [FIXED?] ---[DONE - 06/24/2005] H34/ Need more work on power supply + devise a way to measure the current being put out to the magnet [Jamie] H41/ OTRI experiment [Greg] H42/ revisit EO sampling experiment [Jianliang/Philippe] H43/ laser cooling system upgrade [on-going work soon completed] [Jamie + water group] -- DONE [shutdown] H44/ do we need to get our rf system out of the TeV LCW and Why [Jamie] H45/ O-scope floppy disk [Jamie] DONE H46/ dying gun klystron [Tim K.->John Reid, replacement schedule during shutdown] -- DONE [shutdown] H48/ H/V steerer downstream of 9-cell need to be fixed HTV9A-C H49/ skew quad measurements [Jamie] -- DONE [shutdown]; skew quad reinstalled [Philippe] H50/ LINAC-type steerers for user beamline [Jamie]-- DONE [shutdown, need wiring] #.50 from Adrian Melissinos: NEEDED LASER STUDIES: 2. beam profile (wavefront) studies both in IR and UV in laser room and on virtual cathode. Use spatial filters 3. study of doubling and quadrupling efficencies with old and new crystal, take a tuning curve POSSIBLE LASER UPGRADE PROJECTS 1. Measure IR pulse length before compression (use diode?) implement cw autocorrelation 2. Install new beamline between multipass and 2-pass -- install spatial filter, rebalance 2-pass amplifiers 4. _harware_: replacing all coolers with new system IV + use existing system III as back-up (see H43) 5. pulse stacker studies, new pulse stacker R&D (see H13)