Activity of FNPL for week 12/6 to 12/10 Friday Dec 10 th, 2004 minutes at: * Plan for next week: - Monday, Tuesday: - CTR bunch length measurement - phase monitor test - two macroparticle experiment with CTR studies - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: - install imaging system, - remove BC and install X7' (80 cm from X7) * Last week activity - Monday and Friday: Daniel did some test of bunch length measurement using the new Golay detector with a new electronic from J. Biggs group (ampifier + high pass filter > 300 kz) - Wednesday and Thursday: test of OTR [G. Kazakevich, P. Piot, Y.-E. Sun] many optical configuration for the digital camera system were done (at X6) and an optimum configuration was found to give good OTR signal for 1 nC 3 bunch. So performance, in term of signal, are similar to the cohu camera. The configuration include a 150 mm single lens that collimate the beam and a f=25 objective mounted on the camera (seating vertically). We will do optical measurement of the set-up next week and buy part for all other assembly. - Tuesday: Jianliang and Rodion continue working on improving 4-f conversion. they also did a first test of the forseen imaging system for the transport line. They setup optical system, within the laser room, that mimic the transport line and used a HeNe laser to study imaging performance. ACTION ITEM updated: Sat Dec 11 08:17:39 CST 2004 H8/ calibration of upstream directional coupler and insulator (Markus need to speak to Tim and with Kai to schedule this STATUS?) H13/ Pulse stacker, what do we do? (Rodion) H21/ the laser uniformity problem can this be due to the new (since late summer) tight focusing in the doubling crystal area to improve conversion efficiency? On going work [Rodion] H28/ Problem with emittance measurement at X7 (Philippe 04/16/04) H32/ Digital camera from SONY(?): [Philippe/Yin-e] to be TESTED with OTR [Sep 27] [FIXED, we have prototype] H33/ laser fluctuation since June 1st week [FIXED?] H34/ Need more work on power supply + devise a way to measure the current being put out to the magnet [Jamie] H36/ laser room/table vibration studies H37/ imaging system for the laser transport [Jianliang/Rodion/Jamie] #.37 from Adrian Melissinos: NEEDED LASER STUDIES: 1. Study of oscillator bandwidth versus length of compressed pulse. Measure IR length using stepping autocorrelator [Done week of AUG 23rfd 2004] 2. beam profile (wavefront) studies both in IR and UV in laser room and on virtual cathode. Use spatial filters 3. study of doubling and quadrupling efficencies with old and new crystal, take a tuning curve POSSIBLE LASER UPGRADE PROJECTS 1. Measure IR pulse length before compression (use diode?) implement cw autocorrelation 2. Install new beamline between multipass and 2-pass -- install spatial filter, rebalance 2-pass amplifiers 3. Relay imaging UV from laser room to cave 4. _harware_: replacing all coolers with new system IV + use existing system III as back-up 5. pulse stacker studies, new pulse stacker R&D