############################################ # # Example DigiSim steering file for Marlin # # 20050307 G.Lima - Created # ############################################ .begin Global --------------------------------------- # specify one ore more input files (in one ore more lines) LCIOInputFiles inputfile #LCIOInputFiles ../simjob.slcio ../simjob.slcio # the active processors that are called in the given order ActiveProcessors CalHitMapProcessor ActiveProcessors EcalBarrDigitizer ActiveProcessors EcalEndcapDigitizer ActiveProcessors HcalBarrDigitizer ActiveProcessors HcalEndcapDigitizer ActiveProcessors SimCalorimeterHitsProcessor ActiveProcessors CalorimeterHitsProcessor ActiveProcessors OutputProcessor # limit the number of processed records (run+evt): MaxRecordNumber 501 .end Global ----------------------------------------------- ########################################################### #define the processor parameters after '.begin ProcessorName' : # the default output processor .begin OutputProcessor # mandatory processor type (the name of the class) ProcessorType LCIOOutputProcessor # the outputfile LCIOOutputFile marlin.slcio # lcio write mode, new overwrites existing files # append appends to existing files # if nothing specified create new file only if it doesn't exist LCIOWriteMode WRITE_NEW #LCIOWriteMode WRITE_APPEND .end ------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # Utility processor. It fills hit maps for use by other processors, # so they don't need to fill the same maps themselves .begin CalHitMapProcessor ProcessorType CalHitMapProcessor .end ------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # Cal digitizer processor. Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit # "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process. .begin EcalBarrDigitizer ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor InputCollection EcalBarrHits OutputCollection EcalBarrRawHits Raw2SimLinksCollection EcalBarrRaw2sim ModifierNames EMBEneDigi EMBTimeDigi # modifierName Type Parameters (floats) EMBEneDigi SmearedGain 100000000 0 EMBTimeDigi SmearedTiming 1000000 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # Cal digitizer processor. Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit # "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process. .begin EcalEndcapDigitizer ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor InputCollection EcalEndcapHits OutputCollection EcalEndcapRawHits Raw2SimLinksCollection EcalEndcapRaw2sim ModifierNames EMECEneDigi EMECTimeDigi # modifierName Type Parameters (floats) EMECEneDigi SmearedGain 100000000 0 EMECTimeDigi SmearedTiming 1000000 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # Cal digitizer processor. Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit # "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process. .begin HcalBarrDigitizer ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor InputCollection HcalBarrHits OutputCollection HcalBarrRawHits Raw2SimLinksCollection HcalBarrRaw2sim ModifierNames HBEneDigi HBTimeDigi # modifierName Type Parameters (floats) HBEneDigi SmearedGain 100000000 0 HBTimeDigi SmearedTiming 1000000 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- ############################################################ # Cal digitizer processor. Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit # "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process. .begin HcalEndcapDigitizer ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor InputCollection HcalEndcapHits OutputCollection HcalEndcapRawHits Raw2SimLinksCollection HcalEndcapRaw2sim ModifierNames HECEneDigi HECTimeDigi # modifierName Type Parameters (floats) HECEneDigi SmearedGain 100000000 0 HECTimeDigi SmearedTiming 1000000 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- ########################################################### # A processor to convert raw hits into calibrated hits. .begin CalorimeterHitsProcessor # mandatory processor type (the name of the class) ProcessorType CalorimeterHitsProcessor # Input collections to be converted InputCollections EcalBarrRawHits HcalBarrRawHits # Output collections with calibrated hits OutputCollections EcalBarrCalibHits HcalBarrCalibHits # Conversions based on simple factors (at least for now) EnergyFactor 1.0e-8 TimeFactor 1.0e-6 .end ------------------------------------------------- ########################################################### # A processor to convert raw hits into calibrated hits. .begin SimCalorimeterHitsProcessor # mandatory processor type (the name of the class) ProcessorType SimCalorimeterHitsProcessor # Input collections to be converted InputCollections EcalBarrRawHits HcalBarrRawHits Raw2SimCollections EcalBarrRaw2sim HcalBarrRaw2sim # Output collections with calibrated hits OutputCollections EcalBarrDigiHits HcalBarrDigiHits # Conversions based on simple factors (at least for now) EnergyFactor 1.0e-8 TimeFactor 1.0e-6 .end -------------------------------------------------